Mrs. Captain Eddie Has Written a Book!

How Did I End Up Here? book coverYes, it’s true! Mrs. Capt. Eddie (alias Vicky Perrone) has written a book, which is now available at The description at Amazon pretty much sums it up:

“Vicky Perrone has led an imperfect life, but many would say she is now “living the dream.” A prize-winning photographer and former photojournalist, she has gone from troubled teen to adventurer and world traveler. Along the way, she’s learned about life, relationships — and herself. In

Mrs. Captain Eddie Has Written a Book! Read More

For his birthday, Capt. Eddie is sponsoring a fundraiser for his favorite charity

August 16th is Capt. Eddie’s birthday. And this year, Capt. Eddie is sponsoring a birthday fundraiser.

Taking a page from the popular Facebook practice, Capt. Eddie has decided that for this birthday he is going to solicit donations for his favorite charity. And (as you might have suspected) the Captain’s favorite charity is himself.

Please feel free to donate as much money and/or cryptocurrency as you like. Capt. Eddie accepts U.S. dollars, Euros, or Bitcoin. …

For his birthday, Capt. Eddie is sponsoring a fundraiser for his favorite charity Read More

Playing with the Scammers

If you know me at all, you know that I like messing with the minds of scammers and spammers (well, and other people, too). If you don’t know me yet, you’ll need to check out my “Snotty Phone Meets the Telemarketers” video series (Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3). That will give you an idea of the sort of thing I like to do.

Recently, though, it’s email scammers I’ve been …

Playing with the Scammers Read More

Three Mile Island: Some Anecdotes — and a Question — on the 40th Anniversary

March 28th will always hold a special place in my life. It is the date of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. This year — March 28, 2019 — is the 40th anniversary of the accident.

It holds a special place for me because I was there. I was a resident of Middletown, Pennsylvania, where the plant is located, so I felt all of the emotions that you feel when you don’t know if you’re …

Three Mile Island: Some Anecdotes — and a Question — on the 40th Anniversary Read More

Free Money with Bitcoin Faucets

Yes, it really is true. You can get money for nothing.

Well, for almost nothing. You generally have to perform some task: click a button, view an ad, visit a website, complete a survey. Sometimes it’s an enjoyable task, like playing an online game. Often it requires just a few seconds every hour or so.

The amount of money you get is tiny — generally fractions of a cent at a time — although there …

Free Money with Bitcoin Faucets Read More

Lightning Strikes Bitcoin

I have been following Bitcoin for a number of years now —  since it was below $1,000, which is ancient history as far as Bitcoin is concerned. I haven’t “invested” in any Bitcoin, because I don’t feel as though Bitcoin is an investment at all — unless, of course, you think a lottery ticket is also an “investment.” (I do own a little Bitcoin, however, which is fodder for another post…)

But Bitcoin, to …

Lightning Strikes Bitcoin Read More