Italian-ness, or What Does This Category Mean?

I called this category “Adventures in Italian-ness,” but I’m not 100% sure what I’m going to post in it. I’ve been Italian all my life, and I’ve had some adventures — even some adventures related to being Italian. (Hmmm… A good story comes to mind. Okay, now I know what’s going to be another post….)

But I put the category here mainly because recently my Italian-ness has taken a new and unexpected turn.

I have …

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Bombing them back to the Stone Age….

Saw an article today where the President says we are bombing ISIS “harder than ever.” Over 9,000 air strikes and counting. This brings some thoughts to my mind. Follow along with me here for a minute, if you don’t mind….

We have been bombing the crap out of people for about 14 years now. Afghanistan. Iraq. Pakistan. Who knows where else? Just bombing and bombing and bombing the crap out of all kinds of people.…

Bombing them back to the Stone Age…. Read More

The WD-40 Song Lyrics

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The WD-40 Song

Lyrics and music by Ed Perrone (BMI)
Copyright © 2015 Ed Perrone. All rights reserved.
Digital single (2015)

One day many years ago, when I was about thirteen,
Daddy took me aside and told me, “Son, there are things you’ve never seen.
I’m gonna tell you now a secret you’ll need to know when you’re a man.
The solution to every guy’s problems come in a little blue sprayin’ can.

Well if …

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Holding My Tongue

You know, there are days — today happens to be one of them — when it takes every ounce of my self-control to not post a comment bashing certain people. Even when those people are total arrogant assholes who deserve more than anything to be bashed… and who don’t hesitate to do all kinds of bashing on their own.

But I restrain myself, because bashing does not solve the problem, bashing IS the problem. So …

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